Suggest new field guides for Flyover Country
Do you have field trip guides that you'd like to see in Flyover Country?  We'd love to get them into our database, but we need a little more information, which we'll collect in this form.  We'll review your form replies and get back to you as soon as we're able.  If your content is suitable, we'll give you an account so that you can enter your content into our database using a simple web interface.  

To see what it takes to enter field guide content into our database using the web interface, review this tutorial:

Field guide content might come from a professional society's published or unpublished guidebooks, from a faculty member or other scientist/teacher who has developed class field trips, or from other sources.  We do not accept derivative or plagiarized content, of course, and all guide text must have full citations, as does any good paper - including citations for figures that are included, if they are not original.  All content submitted to the database will be attributed to the contributor, and will be visible to all users of the app.

Along with your form submission, you can also send an example of the field guide content to

If the material you would like to see in Flyover Country is not what is commonly considered field guide content, it may be appropriate to consider submitting your data to a geoscience database that is queried by Flyover Country, or writing or expanding a Wikipedia article that will be exposed in the app.  
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Your name *
Your institution
Email address *
Describe the content you'd like to contribute to the Flyover Country database *
Please include as much detail as possible to help us understand why this content should be exposed in Flyover Country. For example:  what region(s) of the world does it describe? what features does it describe? how long is it (approximate number of words, or words per stop, etc.)? who wrote it? has it been published previously? if applicable, who owns the copyright? are there illustrations? is the content strictly geological, or is it relevant to other disciplines or interests? what type(s) of Flyover Country user(s) would be interested in the content? and anything else you'd like us to know!
I agree to make this content available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (see
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