UMBC Eco-Ambassador Application Form
Eco-Ambassadors are student representatives that will gain and share experiences to help them become effective environmental change agents. These students will educate peers in residential, commuter, academic, and extracurricular settings about environmental issues and encourage them to live in environmentally conscious ways.

Goals of the program include enhancing students’ knowledge and skills to successfully communicate sustainability to their peers, increasing overall student awareness of environmental actions and ways to effect individual and group change on campus, and institutionalizing environmental stewardship within the student body.

View full job description here:
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Last Name *
First Name *
Major(s) and Minor(s) *
Expected Graduation Month/Year *
UMBC Email *
Phone Number *
If you are a residential student, which building do you live in? *
Are you willing to help coordinate a res life green competition with your building?
Current Cumulative GPA *
List your relevant coursework. *
Describe your volunteer, extracurricular, work and internship experiences and how these will help to serve as an eco-ambassador. *
Why are you interested in becoming an Eco-Ambassador? *
What strategies do you believe to be most effective in promoting sustainable actions? *
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