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Nuclear Vocabulary (Ch 4 & 24)
Complete the following fill in the blanks using vocabulary words from the following word bank.  Each word is only used once.  Definitions may be found in chapters 4 and 24 from the textbook.

Word bank:  
(Ch4) radioactivity, radiation, nuclear reaction, radioactive decay, helium, nuclear equation, beta, gamma

(Ch24) radioisotope, x-ray, band of stability, half-life, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, critical mass
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1 ) Name (First & Last)
2) Some substances spontaneously emit radiation through a process called ___________________.
3) _______________  is the  process by which unstable nuclei undergo radioactivity and emit radiation.
4) The particles and rays that are emitted by unstable nuclei in radioactive material are collectively called  _____________.
5) All nuclei outside of the ______________ will undergo radioactive decay.  Atoms lying above this area tend to have too many neutrons to be stable and therefore undergo beta decay.  Atoms lying below this area tend to have too many protons and therefore undergo alpha decay.
6) This type of ray usually accompanies alpha and beta radiation, has no mass and no charge, and accounts for most of the energy lost during radioactive decays:  _________________
7) __________ radiation emits an electron with a 1- charge that is attracted to positively charged plates, otherwise known as a beta particle.
8) Alpha radiation emits an alpha particle that is equivalent to a __________-4 nucleus.  This particle is attracted to negatively charged plates due to its 2+ charge.
9) Heavy nuclei tend to be unstable.  The splitting of the nucleus into smaller more stable nuclei is called _____________.
10) Unlike a chemical reaction that deals with the sharing or transfer of valence electrons, ____________ deals with changes in nucleus.
11) Like a chemical equation, a _______________ shows reactants and products and accounts for all changes following a nuclear reaction.
12) Carbon-14 is a _____________ because it is an isotope of carbon that undergoes radioactive decay.
13) ____________ is the process by which two nuclei are fused together to become one nucleus.  These reactions are very common on the sun and are extremely difficult to produce here on earth.
14) ____________ is the amount of nuclear fissile material that is needed for an unimpeded chain reaction to occur in nuclear power plants.
15) A ________ is not a true form of nuclear radiation.  It gives off a lot of energy, but not as much energy as a gamma-ray.  This occurs when a lower level electron is kicked out and a higher level electron drops down to take its place.
16) The amount of time it takes for half of a radioactive sample to decay is called its ______________.
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