Keeley Coastal Scholars Award Application
The Keeley Coastal Scholars program will support will support students from California with unmet financial aid need doing summer research or policy work connected to coastal sustainability.  Scholarships will range from $1,000 to $4,000 per student with an associated $1,000 in support of the sponsoring faculty member.

A completed application includes:
1.     Completed online application
2.     Unofficial transcript (from the Student Portal)
3.     A budget (
4.     Sponsoring faculty member letter addressing the strengths of the student and a brief description of the project including the student's role therein.

All supporting material should be emailed to

The completed application must be submitted by midnight on May 14. Winners should plan on attending the division's award luncheon on Thursday, May 26.

If you have questions about application process, please contact:

Sarah Glommen
Executive Assistant to the Dean of Social Sciences
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First name *
Last name *
Student ID # *
Phone number
Email: *
Alternate Email:
College affiliation *
Expected date of graduation: *
Faculty sponsor *
Faculty sponsor's department *
Faculty email *
When did you start (or will you start) working with the Faculty Sponsor? *
Please list other sources of funding for your research project: *
Please give us a title for your project. The title can be altered later as needed.
Describe your hypothesis and proposed project in coastal sustainability. Please write your response assuming that your audience has a general background and not a detailed knowledge of your field.
Please Describe Your Future Education and Career Goals: *
What benefit will this research or presentation of your work have for these plans? *
What experiences have motivated you to pursue this project? Please be specific. *
Please explain any disadvantages you have faced in pursuing a career in the sciences: *
Certification (please check each box). *
I understand that a completed application includes:
I understand all parts of the application are due by midnight on May 14, 2016 *
I understand that I will be required to: *
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