Fitness & Nutrition Questionnaire
Hello there! We are part-time UCD students and we would be very grateful if you could fill in this short questionnaire (takes less than 5 minutes!) and tell us a bit about your fitness and nutrition routine, which would help us to understand your fitness and nutritional goals in order to validate our initial startup idea. Thank you so much for your time and let's stay fit and healthy!
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1. Gender
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2. Age group
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3. Your location
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4. Do you have a clear fitness goal? *
5. On a scale of 1 – 10, where 10 is highest, how serious are you about achieving your goals?
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6. Please select your exercise type *
Please select all that apply
7. Are you satisfied with your fitness results?
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8. What keeps you from reaching your fitness goals? *
9. Do you have a nutrition plan? *
10. If yes, do you find it difficult to follow?
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11. If yes, what situations make it hardest for you to stick with your nutrition plan/requirements?
12. Are you attempting to improve your health through any of the below? *
Please check all that apply
13. In your perception, do you eat healthy? *
14. How many times a week do you eat out? *
15. How many times a week do you eat at home? *
16. How important availability of healthy options are to you when choosing a place to eat or buy groceries? *
17. What criteria are important to you when you choose a place to eat? *
Please check all that apply
18. What food is healthy in your perception? *
19. Which of the following  Apps or websites, if any, do you use on a daily basis? *
Fitness, health or food related
20. Do you have any food requirements? *
21. If you want to lead a healthier lifestyle, where do you need more improvements? What is an area you struggle with? *
22. What tools would help you to follow your health, fitness and nutritional goals and needs? *
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