Volcano Pre-Test
Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions as accurately as you can.  This pre-test will not affect your grade, in addition to allowing you to discover what you do and do not know about Earthquakes, this information will be used to design the upcoming unit.  Relax and answer to the best of your ability, pay attention to when you "know" the information and when you are "guessing."  
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1. In which location would you most likely find volcanoes?
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2. The main factor that accounts for the difference between quiet and explosive volcanic eruptions is
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3.  What provides the force that causes magma to erupt to the surface?
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4. If geologists detect many small earthquakes in the area near a volcano, what can they infer about the volcano?
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5. Tall, cone-shaped mountains in which layers of lava alternate with layers of ash are called
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6. When many layers of thin, runny lava build up a high, level area, the result is a
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7. The huge hole left by the collapse of a volcanic mountain is called a
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8. A major volcanic belt known as the _______ circles the Pacific Ocean.
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9. True or False: Volcanoes that form along a mid-ocean ridge occur at a diverging plate boundary.
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