Application to The MrJ Band
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Applicant's Personal Information
This is YOUR personal information. If you are under 18 years of age, I will be asking for information on your parents later in this form.
First Name *
Last Name *
Street Address *
Apartment or Unit Number
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Your Email Address *
I will ask for your parent's email address later in this form. If you have an email address, please type it here. If you do NOT have and email address, type in the word "NONE".
Home Telephone Number *
If you have none, please type NONE
YOUR Cell Phone Number *
I will ask for your parent's cell number later in this form. If you have a cell phone number please type it here. If you do NOT have a cell phone, type in the word "NONE"
Date of Birth *
Have you ever been convicted of a crime in the last 5 years? *
What cast position are you applying for? *
Please check ALL that apply. (NOTE: "Action-o-logists" are the cast members who sing and lead the children in the actions to our songs. It is the most common position to apply for. If you also click on "Vocalist" you are going to apply to become one of our lead singers.)
Are you OVER 18 years of age? *
When you are under the age of 18, your parents will need to be involved in this application process.
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