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Student Survey: Use of mobile phones
We are looking into the possibility of allowing students to use their mobile phones for educational purposes in lessons. We would like to gather your thoughts and opinions on this matter.
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How old are you? *
What year are you in?
Do you have a mobile phone?
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Is your phone:
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How often do you use the internet on your phone?
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Can your phone connect to:
Do you send and receive emails through your phone?
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Do you ever use your phone to help you complete ILTs, revision, research?
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Do you have any educational apps on your phone?
Please state Yes or No and list any of the educational apps you have on your phone.
Does your phone have a camera?
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Would you like to have more opportunities to use your phone to help you learn in school?
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How do you think your phone would support your learning?
Give examples in the box below
What do you think the main problem might be allowing students to use their mobile phones in lesson?
Tick the box that you think would be the biggest problem of using phones in lesson
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How do you think the teachers could manage the use of phones in their lessons?
Give your ideas below
What do you think is a good consequence for students using their phones inappropriately in school?
Give your ideas below
If we were to trial the use of mobile phones to support learning how long do you think this trial should be?
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Who do you think should be involved in the trial?
This could be, students, year groups, staff, departments etc.
Any other comments?
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