SaySomething Report Form
Please use this form to report any issue relative to any potential or actual violation of: Techstars Code of Conduct which may include sexual harassment, workplace harassment/abuse; any law or regulation; or any other concern that you have experienced or witnessed. We will do our best to respond within 2 business days from receipt.

Please note that we are not able to investigate or mediate business or founder disputes.

This report will be anonymous unless you add your contact information. We do not have a way to contact you regarding your submission unless you choose to share your information with us.

Your submission is shared with a limited group of Techstars employees for review and determination of appropriate action:

Sabrina Kelly, Chief Human Capital Officer (
Cameron Willcott, Senior Compliance Counsel (
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What would you like to report? Please include as many details as possible. *
When did this happen? *
Do you want this to be an anonymous report? *
For a direct response, please share your contact information.
Name, e-mail, phone (+ country code), preferred method to connect (phone, Skype, Hangout).
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