Battle Ground Public Schools Industry Fair Registration
Reserve a table today and help us inform young people about careers in southwest Washington!

What:  Industry Fair for students (and the public)
Who:  Battle Ground Public Schools and WorkSource
When:  5-7 p.m. Thursday, February 25
Where:  Battle Ground High School Cafeteria, 300 W. Main St., Battle Ground
Why:  Educate students about career opportunities in and around Clark County

Extras: Tables/space size is 3 x 5 feet. WiFi is available.
***Please note that all tables allotted to senior home health care assisted living providers have been filled.
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Yes, I will attend the Industry Fair from 5 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 25 at BGHS *
Company Name: *
Company Mailing Address: *
Company Phone Number: *
Representative Attending: *
Representative Phone Number: *
Representative Email Address: *
Kevin Doyle
(360) 885-6598
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