Teacher/Course Evaluation
Answering these questions will help me become a better teacher, so I greatly appreciate your honest feedback.

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Mrs. Brannan treats students with respect.
Almost Always
Clear selection
Mrs. Brannan really tries to understand how students feel about things.
Almost Always
Clear selection
Mrs. Brannan makes me feel that she really cares about me.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Clear selection
Mrs. Brannan is consistent and fair in discipline.
Almost Always
Clear selection
Students in this class treat Mrs. Brannan with respect.
Almost Always
Clear selection
Mrs. Brannan plans projects and lessons that help students to problem solve and think critically.
Almost Always
Clear selection
Mrs. Brannan is creative in developing activities and lessons.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Clear selection
Mrs. Brannan is knowledgeable about computers and technology.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Clear selection
Mrs. Brannan is clear in giving directions and on explaining what is expected on projects and assignments.
Almost Always
Clear selection
Mrs. Brannan gives students opportunities to make improvements to projects and assignments.
Almost Always
Clear selection
Mrs. Brannan is enthusiastic about teaching.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Clear selection
Overall, I learned a lot from Mrs. Brannan about computers and technology.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Clear selection
My favorite unit(s) this year was (were):
Select as many as you'd like
My least favorite unit / lesson / activity this year was:
Reference list above
One thing Mrs. Brannan does really well is:
One way Mrs. Brannan can improve is:
Do you have any other comments or suggestions that might help to make this class or Mrs. Brannan better for next year??
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