Viking Endowment Fund Application
The Parkview Viking Endowment Fund was established by Parkview High School alumni and other dedicated parties during the 1997-98 school year. The annual interest earned on the fund is used to assist current Parkview students with expanding and advancing their educational experiences. Decisions on the distribution of the funds is made by a committee of Parkview High School staff members.
Only current students are eligible to receive monies from the Viking Endowment Fund. Students must have a record of good citizenship, exhibit an authentic interest in expanding his/her educational experience, and have a genuine need for financial assistance. Applications may be submitted by the student, a parent/guardian, or staff member.
Applications must be submitted no later than the 15th of each month. Once your application is received, you may be contacted by a committee member to provide additional information (i.e. applications, receipts, etc.) The VEF Committee meets on the third Thursday of each month and will review, evaluate, and act upon application requests.