Tournament Food Sign Up
Thank you so much for considering providing food for your son and the other wrestlers on the team.  Below are some ideas that will be good things to provide for the wrestlers during their day of wrestling.

+1-2 Flats of water
+1 Gatorade for each wrestler
+Sandwiches (Can be pre made or items can be placed in cooler for guys to make)
+Fruit (Apples, Oranges, Bananas)
+Yogurt/String Cheese
+Granola Bars (Plain Granola)

Please let Coach Lundgren know if you have any questions.  You will receive an email the week of the tournament serving as a reminder and also allow you to coordinate with the other families that signed up for that tournament.

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What date would be able to help provide food for wrestlers?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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