Make it Happen!
Tell us your idea to make San Antonio better, and we'll help you make it happen!
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First Name *
Last Name *
email *
Phone Number *
Parent first Name *
Parent Last Name *
Parent Phone Number *
Parent Email *
Name of your school *
Grade Level *
What is the problem your idea seeks to address? *
Describe the problem you want to work on.
Explain your idea to work on the problem. *
Are there other groups/people doing similar work already? *
If yes, please describe. If no, please explain what is being done instead.
How much money do you think this idea will require? *
How much time do you think this idea will require? *
Write a short essay describing your commitment to this project and why you think it will work. *
Be sure to describe what you will bring to the table in terms of time, energy, funding, expertise, etc.
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