Massive Bullying
Hello there. My name is Aaron Tang. To start off, I am from ScienceLeadership Academy. I am doing a project about bullying, and I hope you can response to this survey! It won't take you that long. Please and thank you!
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Have you ever been bullied before?
*Your identity will be anonymous.*
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 Do you think bullying matters? (not just at school but any where)
*Your identity will be anonymous.*
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Where do you think bullying happens the most? School? Home? On the streets? Etc.
*Your identity will be anonymous.*
What is your opinion/perspective on bullying?
*Your identity will be anonymous.*
In couple sentences, explain what will you do when you witness bullying?
*Your identity will be anonymous.*
In couple sentences, explain whether bullying should stop or not?
*Your identity will be anonymous.*
How old are you?
*Your identity will be anonymous.*
What type of bullying do you think mostly occurs?
You can choose more than once. *Your identity will be anonymous.*
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