RVA Rapid Transit: Public Comment for Metro-wide Transit!
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Below are the respective dates for upcoming Richmond City Council meetings, Henrico Board of Supervisors meetings, and Chesterfield Board of Supervisor meetings. Once you sign up, we will contact you with more info. During public comment period you have up to 3 minutes to share your support, and we have print outs of key points you can use if you would like on why metro-wide transit is a key way to open up access, economic development, and higher quality of life for everyone!

Questions? Contact info@rvarapidtransit.org or learn more here: https://www.rvarapidtransit.org/make-public-comment/
Timing & Location Details
Richmond City Council meets 6 PM on set Monday nights at City Hall, 900 E Broad St, in Council Chambers on the second floor. The public comment period at which you would speak usually occurs between 6:00-7:30 PM. At a normal meeting, you would be finished by 7:00/30 PM if not before.

Henrico Board of Supervisors meets 7 PM on set Tuesday nights at the Government Center, 4301 East Parham Road, in the Board Room of the Administration Building. The public comment period at which you would speak usually occurs around 7:30 PM. At a normal meeting, you would be finished by 8:00 PM if not before.

Chesterfield Board of Supervisors meets 6:30 PM on set Wednesday nights at 10001 Iron Bridge Road, in the Chesterfield County Public Meeting Room. The public comment period at which you would speak usually occurs around 6:50 PM. At a normal meeting, you would be finished by 7:30 PM if not before.  
1) Your Name: *
2) Your Email Address: *
3) Which jurisdiction (we'll be in touch to schedule a date):
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