RT Medical Patient Satisfaction Survey
Please complete this form to help us improve our level of Service and Care.
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We appreciate the opportunity to serve you!
Patient Name (optional)
Equipment Type
(please check all that apply)
Did RT Medical deliver your equipment and/or supplies on time?
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Did RT Medical deliver your equipment and/or supplies accurately?
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Was the training and consultations effective in educating you or your caregiver on your service, care and therapy?
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 Educational materials and instructions were adequate to teach me or my caregiver on the product(s)?
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Was our staff courteous and helpful?
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Were your financial responsibilities explained in a satisfactory manner?
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Did you receive advice or help when needed during and after office hours?
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The services and supplies you received made a positive impact on the outcome of my care and/or therapy?
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RT Medical's Patient Service / Care Plans improved the outcome of my care and/or therapy?
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I would recommend your service to my friends or family?
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Compliments or Complaints? Please let us know.
Thank you for allowing RT Medical to serve you!
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