RBMS Lockdown Attendance Form
Please fill in all of the following information if, and only if, there is a school lockdown. This form is for school personnel only and to be used only in the case of an emergency! Thank you.
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Teacher Name *
Classroom Number *
The classroom in which you are located at the time of the lockdown.
Are all students present? *
Check the appropriate box.
Missing Students *
Include all students that are missing. Please separate names with commas. Include missing students just like you do for every class. Put "None" if all students are present.
Addition/Extra People (Students & Adults) *
Type the names of any students or others who are in your classroom that are not scheduled to be there. Please separate names with commas. Put "None" if you have no additional students/adults.
Other Comments/Concerns
If you have any other additional information to share, put it in this space.
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