2017 Registration for BCE's Kinder Camp
Kinder Camp at BCE is on August 1st-3rd from 8:30-11:30 am. We hope to see you there!
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Student's First and Last Name *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Telephone Number *
Email Address *
Parent/Guardian Name
Telephone Number
Email Address
1st Emergency Contact Name *
(first contact)
1st Emergency Contact Number *
2nd Emergency Contact Name
(second contact)
2nd Emergency Contact Number
Other Emergency Contact Names/Numbers
Please list any student health concerns or ALLERGIES. *
Did your child attend a 4 year old Pre-K or Child Development program? *
If so, where?
The person picking my child up at 11:30 on Aug. 1st-3rd is... *
Please list the person's name and telephone number.  This person should be someone listed in the contacts above. If a different person is picking up your child on each day, please specify. Changes in transportation may only be made in writing.
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