Joined-up Data Standards - your feedback
Let us know your thoughts, ideas and feedback on our discussion papers
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Your feedback
Which discussion paper are you feeding back on? (select all that apply)
Please write your feedback below
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Appendix: Guiding questions for feedback
1.What is your overall impression of the research and what we are trying to do?

2. Do you think visualisations are clear and tell a compelling story about how we can and should join up data?

3. Have we missed something important or have the data standards we are focusing on provided a good starting point for discussion?

4. What do you think about the joined-up data standards methodology we are using?

5. Based on your own experiences, what potential use/practical application do you see for the research contained in the discussion paper(s)?

6. How do you see the research in the discussion paper(s) fitting into the broader context of technological innovation/data use in the international development sector?

7. Do you have any suggestions on how the research set out in the discussion paper(s) could be further strengthened or improved (e.g. any gaps, unaddressed issues or problems with methodology)?

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