Using iPads in the Classroom Student Survey
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Today's Date: *
How often do you use the iPads in your classroom? *
Just having the iPads sitting on your desk, does not count.  How often are you actually USING the iPads?
Which subjects does your teacher allow you to use your iPads with? *
Choose all that apply.
Which subject does your teacher allow you to use your iPad the most? *
What kinds of activities do you do on your iPad? *
Check all that apply.
Which of the above activities that you chose do you do the most? *
Using technology in the classroom has made me a better student. *
Compare yourself to how good of a student you were last year.
Not at all.
Extremely so.
I am able to pay more attention in class and to my work because of using the technology. *
No at all.
Extremely so.
The work I turn in to my teacher is much better, and I'm willing to spend more time on it because of the technology. *
Not at all.
Extremely so.
My grades are better because of being able to use technology in class. *
My teacher is making the effort to use all of the technology available to her. *
iPads, SMART Boards, etc.
Rate YOUR comfort level with using technology in the classroom. *
iPads, computers, etc.
Not at all comfortable.
Very comfortable.
Rate what you think YOUR TEACHER'S comfort level is with using technology in the classroom. *
iPads, computers, SMART Board, etc.
Not at all comfortable.
Very comfortable.
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