2015 "Words of Lincoln" Online Answer Form
7th Period
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Type the letter(s) of your answer in the answer blanks below.
1.  Apprehension existed among Southern States that the Republican Administration was a threat to their __?__. *
2.  Lincoln said he would not interfere with slavery where  __?__ because he had no lawful right to do so. *
3.  “The maintenance of the __?__...was essential to the balance of power on which our political fabric depended. *
4.  According to Lincoln, universal law and the __?__ made the Union of states perpetual [forever]. *
5.  Lincoln stated no government had a provision for its own __?__. *
6.  No state could lawfully __?__. *
7.  Acts against the United States are __?__. *
8.  Lincoln said the Constitution requires him to see that the laws of the Union are faithfully executed __?__. *
9.  Not meaning to sound like a threat, but as a declared purpose, Lincoln said the Union will __?__ and maintain itself. *
10.  Lincoln said there would be no bloodshed or violence unless it was __?__ the national authority. *
11.  Lincoln said there would be no __?__ of the South. *
12.  “If a minority [of people]…will rather secede than acquiesce [give in] they make a [decision] which will in turn will __?__”. *
13.  “A minority [of people] of their own __?__ from them where a majority [of people] refused to be controlled by such a  minority [of people]”. *
14.  Lincoln said the idea of secession is the essence of __?__. *
15.  “[100 percent agreement] is impossible…so rejecting the __?__, anarchy or despotism…is all that’s left. *
16.  “…My countrymen…think calmly and well upon this whole subject.  Nothing valuable can be lost by __?__”. *
17.  “If it were admitted that you who are dissatisfied hold the right side in the dispute, there is no single good reason for __?__. *
18.  According to Lincoln, in whose hands was the issue of civil war? *
19.  Lincoln said he had a solemn oath to __?__ the government. *
20.  “The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield & political grave…will yet swell the chorus of union when again touched, as surely as they will be, by __?__. *
21.  “The progress of our arms, upon which all else chiefly depends” means what? *
22.  While Lincoln was giving his first Inaugural address, “insurgent agents” were in Washington D. C. were trying to dissolve “the Union…by __?__.” *
23.  “Both parties deprecated [denounced] war, but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other  would __?__. *
24.  “Neither party expected for the war the __?__ which it has already attained. *
25..  Lincoln said, “no one anticipated that the __?__ conflict might cease before the conflict itself should cease. *
26.  “Each looked for an __?__, and a result less fundamental and astounding. *
27.  Lincoln said it was strange any person would ask for “God’s assistance in [receiving] their bread __?__.” *
28.  Lincoln said the Civil War may be a punishment for the North and South allowing __?__. *
29.   Lincoln hoped the war “may __?__ pass away”. *
30.  But also says, “God wills that it continue until all the __?__ piled by bondmen [slave owners]…shall be sunk”. *
31.  Lincoln also said, “Every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the __?__”. *
32.  “With __?__... let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds…and achieve a lasting peace…” *
33.  Those who died at Gettysburg gave their lives to let what live? *
34.  Lincoln said those attending the Gettysburg dedication could not dedicate the land.  Who could?   *
35.  Lincoln said the world would forget what he and the others said there, but it, “can never forget __?__”. *
36.  Lincoln said it was for the living to be “dedicated here to the unfinished __?__ for which they fought”. *
37.  And “…We take increased __?__ for which they gave the last full measure of dedication”. *
38.  “…and that government __?__ shall not perish from the Earth”. *
39.  On January 1, 1863, all slaves in areas in rebellion against “the United States, shall be then, thenceforward and __?__” *
40.  Lincoln said __?__ would “Recognize and maintain the freedom of such person”. *
41.  The Emancipation Proclamation said the “Executive…by proclamation [shall], designate the __?__ [are] in rebellion against the United States”. *
42.  The Executive will also proclaim any state or people on that day…”Be represented in the __?__ where a majority of qualified voters…are not in rebellion…”. *
43.  Lincoln said the US, at that time was in actual “__?__”. *
44.  How many full and complete Southern states did Lincoln declare were in rebellion against the United States? *
45.  How many states had parts that declared in rebellion? *
46.  Lincoln declared that all “persons held as slaves with in designated states…are and henceforth __?__”. *
47.  Lincoln requested that all “people so declared to be free to __?__”. *
48.  Lincoln believed the act (Emancipation Proclamation) was an “act of __?__ by the Constitution”. *
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