Submit a Class Note for PAA News/Media
What have you been doing lately? Your Parkway friends would love to know!

Let us know if you have information about yourself or a friend regarding: wedding announcements, birth announcements, career updates, publications, professional awards, retirements and obituaries (please be sure to include a link to a published obituary in your text for Class Notes Message). If appropriate, your submission will appear in a future edition of the newsletter, our website ( and possibly a social media post. Note: We won't publish submissions about your business unless it relates to the rest of your story.

Please send a recent photo that shows your face well to If you prefer, you may send all information to that address instead of completing this form. Photos must be emailed to that address.

If you are submitting information about someone other than yourself, please note that in the Class Notes Message section. This form will collect your email address so that we can contact you to verify your information. Thank you!

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Email *
YOUR Full Name (include maiden name if a Parkway graduate) *
Category of your announcement... *
Class Note message (if you are submitting an announcement about someone other than yourself, take care to provide accurate information) *
Your High School (if you're a Parkway graduate)
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Your Graduation Year (if a Parkway graduate)
Your relationship to the person described in your Class Note message:
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Your Phone number *
Your Street address *
Your City, State and Zip *
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