Improvement Plan 2017/18
Education, Learning & Attainment Delivery Plan Action ‘x’
Focus AreaSMART ActionNIF DriverHGIOS4 QIResponsibilityTimescalesResourcesPEFMeasure(s) of success
1. To raise attainment in Literacy.Performance Information1.3 Leadership of changeHTTBCStaffing CostsImproved performance in literacy across the stages.
To develop staff knowledge, expertise and confidence in developing and assessing progress in literacy skills across the curriculum.
- The project will target identified groups of learners across all stages at risk of missing attainment milestones in literacy.
Assessment of children’s progress
1.5 Management of Resources to promote equity
Excellence and Equity Coordinator
£7,898Increased learner confidence in applying literacy skills in a range of contexts.
To identify target groups of learners across all stages at risk of missing attainment milestones in literacy with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.
- Establish baseline data pertaining to attainment in literacy at each stage.
- Identify target groups at risk of missing attainment milestones in literacy with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.
- Devise and implement a range of interventions including pupil voice, parental engagement, bespoke curriculum inputs, out of hours learning opportunities and peer support.
- Devise a systematic approach to Measuring uptake / impact of the above.
- Developing a SPTA Literacy Website.
Teacher professionalism2.2 CurriculumPT Literacy£4,099.56Improved parental participation in literacy workshops / events / access to SPTA Literacy website
To devise and implement a range of interventions targeted at supporting identified groups of learners across all stages to improve attainment in literacy with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.
- The project will be overseen by the HT and the Equity and Excellence Co-ordinator. The project will be managed by the Principal Teacher Literacy.
- The extended team will comprise the 3 SAC PTs (S1) and the 5 RA PTS (each with responsibility for a specific stage from S2-S6).
- The Curriculum Leaders of Languages will be pivotal to the work of this project.
Parental Engagement2.3 Learning, teaching and assessment
3 x PTs Raising Attainment (SAC)
SAC FundingImproved staff confidence in developing and assessing literacy skills across the curriculum.
To improve parental engagement in improving literacy including development of a SPTA Literacy Website.Relevance:
- Current approaches to self evaluation have identified a range of gaps in literacy attainment across the stages.
- Improving literacy outcomes will enhance opportunities for raising attainment in all areas of the curriculum.
2.4 Personalised support
5 x PTs Raising Attainment (PEF)
2.5 Family Learning
Curriculum Leaders Languages
Literacy Resources
2.6 Transitions
PT Pupil Support (RA) – Helen Williams
3.1 Improving wellbeing, equality and inclusion
PT Flexible (Data Management) – Mark Farrell
3.2 Raising attainment and achievementPT Support – Nicola Brown
2. To raise attainment in Numeracy.
To develop staff knowledge, expertise and confidence in developing and assessing numeracy skills across the curriculum.Specific:
- The project will target identified groups of learners across all stages at risk of missing attainment milestones in numeracy.
Performance Information1.3 Leadership of changeDHT (Craig Gibson)TBCStaffing Costs
Improved performance in numeracy across the stages.
To identify target groups of learners across all stages at risk of missing attainment milestones in numeracy with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.Measurable:
- Establish baseline data pertaining to attainment in numeracy at each stage.
- Identify target groups at risk of missing attainment milestones in numeracy with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.
- Devise and implement a range of interventions including pupil voice, parental engagement, bespoke
- Curriculum inputs, out of hours learning opportunities and peer support.
- Devise a systematic approach to Measuring uptake / impact of the above.
- Developing a SPTA Numeracy Website.
Assessment of children’s progress
1.5 Management of Resources to promote equity
Excellence and Equity Coordinator
Increased learner confidence in applying numeracy skills in a range of contexts.
To devise and implement a range of interventions targeted at supporting identified groups of learners across all stages to improve attainment in numeracy with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.Achievable:
- The project will be overseen by the DHT (Craig Gibson) and the Equity and Excellence Co-ordinator. The project will be managed by the Principal Teacher Numeracy.
- The extended team will comprise the 3 SAC PTs (S1) and the 5 RA PTS (each with responsibility for a specific stage from S2-S6).
- The Curriculum Leader of Mathematics will be pivotal to the work of this project.
Teacher professionalism2.2 CurriculumPT Literacy£4,099.56
Improved parental participation in numeracy workshops / events / access to SPTA Numeracy website
To improve parental engagement in improving numeracy including development of a SPTA Numeracy Website.Relevance:
- Current approaches to self evaluation have identified a range of gaps in numeracy attainment across the stages.
- Improving numeracy outcomes will enhance opportunities for raising attainment in all areas of the curriculum.
Parental Engagement2.3 Learning, teaching and assessment
3 x PTs Raising Attainment (SAC)
SAC Funding
Improved staff confidence in developing and assessing numeracy skills across the curriculum.
2.4 Personalised support
5 x PTs Raising Attainment (PEF)
2.5 Family Learning
Curriculum Leader Mathematics
Numeracy Resources
2.6 Transitions
PT Pupil Support (RA) – Helen Williams
3.1 Improving wellbeing, equality and inclusion
PT Flexible (Data Management) – Mark Farrell
3.2 Raising attainment and achievementPT Support – Nicola Brown
3. To raise attainment in Health & Wellbeing.
To develop staff knowledge, expertise and confidence in developing HWB across the curriculum.Specific:
- The project will target identified groups of vulnerable learners in relation to HWB across all stages with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.
Performance Information1.3 Leadership of changeDHT (Susan Aitken)TBCStaffing Costs
Improved health and wellbeing outcomes for targeted learners across the stages with specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 +2.
To identify target groups of vulnerable learners in relation to HWB across all stages with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.
- Establish baseline data pertaining to individual / collective HWB pupil profile at each stage.
- Identify target groups of vulnerable learners in relation to HWB across all stages with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.
- Devise and implement a range of interventions including pupil voice, parental engagement, bespoke Curriculum inputs, out of hours learning opportunities and peer support.
- Devise a systematic approach to measuring uptake / impact of the above.
Assessment of children’s progress
1.5 Management of Resources to promote equity
Excellence and Equity Coordinator
Increased learner confidence in understanding of healthy life choices in a range of contexts.
To devise and implement a range of interventions targeted at supporting identified groups of learners across all stages to improve HWB outcomes with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.
- The project will be overseen by the DHT (Craig Susan Aitken) and the Equity and Excellence Co-ordinator. The project will be managed by the Principal Teacher HWB.
- The extended team will comprise the 3 SAC PTs (S1) and the 5 RA PTS (each with responsibility for a specific stage from S2-S6).
- The Curriculum Leader of Health & Wellbeing will be pivotal to the work of this project.
Teacher professionalism2.1 Safeguarding and child protectionPT HWB£4,099.56
Improved parental participation in HWB workshops and events.
To improve parental engagement in improving HWB outcomes. Relevance:
- Current approaches to self evaluation have identified a range of gaps in numeracy attainment across the stages.
- Improving numeracy outcomes will enhance opportunities for raising attainment in all areas of the curriculum.
Parental Engagement2.2 Curriculum
3 x PTs Raising Attainment (SAC)
SAC Funding
Improved staff confidence in developing health and wellbeing across the curriculum.
2.3 Learning, teaching and assessment
5 x PTs Raising Attainment (PEF)
2.4 Personalised support
Curriculum Leaders Health & Wellbeing
Health & Wellbeing Resources
2.5 Family Learning
PT Pupil Support (RA) – Helen Williams
2.6 Transitions
PT Flexible (Data Management) – Mark Farrell
2.7 PartnershipsPT Support – Nicola Brown
3.1 Improving wellbeing, equality and inclusion
4. Participation in Achievement Opportunities
To improve scope for learners across the stages to participate in achievement opportunities with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.Specific:
- The project will target identified groups of learners across all stages at risk of exclusion from achievement opportunities with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.
- The project will develop a range of approaches to recognising and celebrating success.
Performance Information1.3 Leadership of changeDHT (Susan Aitken)TBCStaffing Costs
Improved range of achievement opportunities across the stages.
To improve approaches to recognising and celebrating learner achievement across the stages with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.Measurable:
- Establish baseline data pertaining to range and scope of achievement opportunities across the stages
- Identify target groups at risk of exclusion from achievement opportunities with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.
- Devise and implement a range of achievement opportunities including pupil voice, parental engagement, bespoke projects for targeted groups of learners, out of hours learning opportunities and peer support.
- Devise a systematic approach to measuring uptake / impact of the above.- including data relating to recognition and awards.
Assessment of children’s progress
1.5 Management of Resources to promote equity
Excellence and Equity Coordinator
Improved approaches to recognising and celebrating learner achievement across the stages with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.
To further develop partnership working including HE, FE, employers and 3rd sector organisations.Achievable:
- The project will be overseen by the DHT (Susan Aitken) and the Equity and Excellence Co-ordinator. The project will be managed by the Principal Teacher Achievement.
- The extended team will comprise the 3 SAC PTs (S1) and the 5 RA PTS (each with responsibility for a specific stage from S2-S6).
- All CLs and staff leading achievement opportunities will be pivotal to the work of this project.
Leadership2.2 CurriculumPT Achievement£4,099.56
Improved partnership working including HE, FE, employers and 3rd sector organisations.
To identify target groups of learners across all stages at risk of exclusion from achievement opportunities with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.
- Current approaches to self evaluation have identified the need to develop achievement opportunities across the stages.
- Improving achievement opportunities and recognition will enhance learners’ confidence in developing the 4 capacities.
Parental Engagement2.4 Personalised support
3 x PTs Raising Attainment (SAC)
SAC Funding
Increased learner confidence in participating in achievement opportunities and developing the 4 capacities.
To devise and implement a range of interventions targeted at supporting identified groups of learners across all stages at risk of exclusion from achievement opportunities with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.Time:
School Improvement2.5 Family Learning
5 x PTs Raising Attainment (PEF)
Improved parental engagement in supporting learner participation in achievement opportunities with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.
To improve parental engagement in improving learner participation in achievement opportunities with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.
3.1 Improving wellbeing, equality and inclusion
Curriculum LeadersLiteracy Resources
Improved staff confidence in developing and tracking participation in achievement opportunities.
3.2 Raising attainment and achievement
Staff leading achievement opportunities
3.3 Increasing creativity and employability
PT Pupil Support (RA) – Helen Williams
PT Flexible (Data Management) – Mark Farrell
PT Support – Nicola Brown
5. Improve creativity and employability skills
To enhance opportunities for learners across the stages to improve creativity and employability skills with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.
- The project will target identified groups of learners across all stages at risk of not achieving a sustained positive destination with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.
- The project will develop a range of approaches to enhancing creativity and employability skills.
Performance Information1.3 Leadership of changeDHT (Shanead Friel)TBCStaffing Costs
Improved positive, sustained destinations with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.
To further develop partnership working including HE, FE, employers, creative industries and cultural sectors.
- Establish baseline data pertaining to range and scope of creativity and employability opportunities across the stages.
- Identify target groups at risk of not achieving a sustained positive destination with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.
- Devise and implement a range of creativity and employability opportunities including pupil voice, parental engagement, bespoke projects for targeted groups of learners, out of hours learning opportunities and peer support.
- Devise a systematic approach to measuring uptake / impact of the above including data relating to participation rates and post-school destinations.
Assessment of children’s progress
1.5 Management of resources to promote equity
Excellence and Equity Coordinator
Improved range of creativity and employability opportunities across the stages.
To identify target groups of learners across all stages at risk of not achieving a sustained positive destination with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.
- The project will be overseen by the DHT (Shanead Friel) and the Equity and Excellence Co-ordinator. The project will be managed by the Principal Teacher Creativity & Employability.
- The extended team will comprise the 3 SAC PTs (S1) and the 5 RA PTS (each with responsibility for a specific stage from S2-S6).
- The extended DYW team including WDC Senior Phase Team and SDS will be pivotal to the work of this project.
Leadership2.2 CurriculumPT Creativity & Employability£4,099.56
Improved partnership working including HE, FE, employers, creative industries and cultural sectors.
To devise and implement a range of interventions targeted at supporting identified groups of learners across all stages at risk of not achieving a sustained positive destination with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.
- Current approaches to self evaluation have identified the need to develop creativity a d employability opportunities across the stages.
- Improving creativity and employability opportunities will enhance learners’ confidence in developing the 4 capacities.
Parental Engagement2.4 Personalised support
3 x PTs Raising Attainment (SAC)
SAC Funding
Increased learner confidence in developing creativity and employability skills.
To improve parental engagement in improving learner participation in creativity and employability opportunities with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.Time:
2.5 Family Learning
5 x PTs Raising Attainment (PEF)
Improved parental engagement in supporting learner participation in creativity and employability opportunities with a specific focus on learners in SIMD 1 + 2.
3.1 Improving wellbeing, equality and inclusion
Curriculum LeadersCreativity & Employability Resources
Improved staff confidence in developing and tracking participation in creativity and employability opportunities.
3.2 Raising attainment and achievementWDC Senior Phase Team£5,000.00
3.3 Increasing creativity and employabilitySDS
PT Pupil Support (MCMC) – Patricia Smith
PT Flexible (Data Management) – Mark Farrell
PT Support – Nicola Brown
6. Developing the Young Workforce