Honor Award
This award is to be given to members who have made outstanding contributions to the field of health, physical
education, recreation or dance in the state of Iowa.

Qualifications of candidates:

a. Candidate must be a member of IAHPERD.

b. Experience: at least ten years of experience as a teacher, supervisor, or administrator, or a combination of
same, in the field of health, physical education, recreation, or dance.

c. Professional contributions: At least ten years of contributions to IAHPERD through distinctive leadership and meritorious service.
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Name of Nominee *
Nominee Email Address *
Nominee Phone Number *
Years of IAHPERD Membership *
Work Experience (Please list Position(s) Held, Location and Years) *
Professional Contributions to IAHPERD *
Form Submitted By *
Submitters phone number *
Connections to Nominee *
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