LIVINGDocumentation Mgr (Rob Kirk)Technical Community Mgr (Audrey)Operations Mgr (Katie)Executive Director (Marcin)
o How many staff will be living at the OSEC?
o Are they term based? ( interns, project, etc)Future: Farm Manager; Part-time: Documentation ManagerFarm manager who lives onsite (long term living), Other Executive Staff live on site during builds that occur approximately 1 week per month (short term living), Interns or Dedicated Project Visitors live on site for 1-3 month intervals, year round
- communal or individual accommodationsBoth communal & individual. We also need to discuss if we want a small RV/camping area that has power & water. RV spots: 2-3; camping: group camping site for 12 people(?)Individual sleeping quarters would be ideal. If we could have more bathrooms, especially male and female, that would be ideal. Whatever people find comfortable. Having a large kitchen to support more than one cook would be great, but I don't see the need for multiple kitchens. Audrey is right, we need a small RV and camping area, but Marcin would need to recommend how many RVs or campers to accommodate.
- define the spacial and interaction characteristics of the following: working, playing, eating, socializing, sleeping, learning, relaxingIt would be nice to have both indoor and outdoor work spaces that can also be used for dining/social functions/teaching.WORKING - Need a work area that allows for discussion times and focus times. Also need a video conference room area. Need a closed off meeting area where discussions can be recorded. PLAY - Need outside play areas which include a space for games like frisbee and also a fire pit, possibly a pond. Need a movie space - the video conference room might support this. EATING - need a larger kitchen that can support multiple cooks SOCIALIZING - Need an inside area or space where work is not allowed - it is difficult to differentiate between work and play and this makes it difficult for DPVs to decompress
- what are the energy, water and food needs of the staff and commuting staffWalkways, covered area near entrance with bench for shoe removal, indoor shoe storage; commuting staff bring their own food; commuting staff need well-lit office space, and fridge space.Agree with Audrey. Walkways and parking are key during the raining months.
· What are the visitors living needs at the OSECShower storage baskets (easy to clean)Beds, bathrooms, space to store food and prepare food, dining area, working area, relaxing area, parking
o Types of visitors
- workshops or events, tourist, meetings or projectsStudents, low maintenance and helpful experienced volunteers, no tourists yet, but reporters
- define the spacial and interaction characteristics of the following: working, playing, eating, socializing, sleeping, learning, relaxingThe staff needs a private area to work; also--I would include a requirement for a video conferencing set up in a conference roomThe biggest spacial issue is that work happens in all the living areas, so there is little space for relaxing. Absolutely need a space for movies (just an example) or an amazing fire pit - a space where people can force themselves away from their computers so the urge to keep working is not there. We need to separate all these activities, I have grouped them since some do not need separation > 1) Work, learning, eating 2) play, relaxing, socializing, eating 3) Sleeping
- what are the energy, water and food needsWater: Workshop(s)--outdoor spicket & sink; camping/RV area--outdoor spicket; Living areas: hot & cold water, kitchen sink, dishwasher, bathroom sinks, bathroom showers; Energy: workshops: 110/220 v power, living areas: 110 v power plus a laundry area that has 220v for a dryer (currently in the HabLab/ no exhaust)See Audrey's response
WORKINGDocumentation Mgr (Rob Kirk)Technical Community Mgr (Audrey)Operations Mgr (Katie)Executive Director (Marcin)
What are the workshops or lab needs
o energy, water, lighting, climate needsWorkshop space needs to be increased, needs to be organized to support proper inventory controls, needs to be closed off to support locking equipment and heat in the winter
o spacial requirements (lecture, interactive, etc)Workshop needs a space where volunteers can be briefed on the plan - this space should look like an outdoor (or inside) class room so people focus on the 'teacher' not everything around them. It needs to have a space to hang safety notices and also WORK INSTRUCTIONS to help guide the build
o design specifications for activities (floor, ceiling height, etc)Marcin's response needed
o relationship requirements – testing fields, display, delivery, etc.Ideally we test the machines as we build the FeF infrastructure - this would require planning between you and Marcin (long ecology discussion), Testing can occur anywhere on the farm, but Marcin may have some gradients he wants available to test on. Display - we need a place to store finished prototypes, which would double as a display space. Need to improve the gradient to the workshop so that transportation (loading of prototypes) is simpler
o project pods/work areas Marcin needs to respond - ideally everything happens in the workshop so that documentation is simpler. No need to separate work areas during the builds.
o tool crib – equipment installationsWe need a parts storage area, a broken tool area (fixable/non-fixable), metals recycling bins, & an eye wash station mounted to the wall.Everything Audrey said, plus the ability to lock inventory and tools - need a system of control.
o number of participantsUnknown
How many people will be working on a project
o duration, communication needsWe need a cell phone booster--most cell phones don't work hereProjects will overlap, but ideally people will design and plan for 3 weeks, then prep build and build in 1 week. Of course we'd like to move that to a single day. For now, Design for 3 weeks and build for 2 weeks (that has been the trend - which is not ideal because there is little daily variety).
What are the support staff needsFull time staff - An office and an amazing video teleconferencing suite (maybe in the office) so that working remotely is seamless.
o maintenance/farming/business/administration- Need storage for tractor so mowing is easy, need inventory control in the workshop for admin purposes, no farming needs at this time, but could start addressing that desire to farm
o define the spacial and interaction characteristicsSimply need more workshop space, more kitchen space, more bathroom space. Urgently need a way to separate work and play.
o energy, water, lighting, climate needsNeed to ensure HabLab or other living space is warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
o technology/communication needsNeed video teleconferencing suite - Internet connectivity is not optimal, but I have spent hours on the phone with Century Link
TEACHINGDocumentation Mgr (Rob Kirk)Technical Community Mgr (Audrey)Operations Mgr (Katie)Executive Director (Marcin)
· classrooms and workshopsA single large work space for design can double as a classroom - with a whiteboard and a video/recording set up so the discussions can be posted as the issues or lessons are hashed out. A space near the workshop (covered space) that has a white board or chalk board and also a recording set up for posting to the internet is also ideal - there are many discussions and lessons that aren't recorded and we end up repeating things
· lecture and large assemblySame as above - just two large spaces 1) for work and design - large table with a board and recording set up 2) for build - place for safety briefings, lessons and daily wrap ups
· digital media needsNeed to video teleconference and record in 1) work space, 2) staff space and 3) workshop
· interactive needsThe above will help with remote interactive projects
· anticipated numbers duration
FOOD PRODUCTIONDocumentation Mgr (Rob Kirk)Technical Community Mgr (Audrey)Operations Mgr (Katie)Executive Director (Marcin)
- what are production goals (soil based, aquaponics, vertical gardens, etc)The goal is to be self sustaining. Need a fence for livestock such as a cow and chickens.
- retail sales goalsProviding food for volunteers is priority - extra may be sold, but OSE would rather sell prototypes than food.
- seasonal goalsNo specific goals.
- greenhouses?
BUILDINGDocumentation Mgr (Rob Kirk)Technical Community Mgr (Audrey)Operations Mgr (Katie)Executive Director (Marcin)
· can buildings be built in the trees, underground, or more than one story to reduce physical/land footprintsThere are no building restrictions, so yes.
· can earth pits be used as building basements to reduce land footprint and to enable ground-source heat exchangeYes
· how much fiber can be generated each year for building on-siteUnknown
· how long will it take site to produce buildings if harvesting from annual productionUnknown - there are no baselines for this question and many unknowns due to volunteer staff
PARKING AND DELIVERYDocumentation Mgr (Rob Kirk)Technical Community Mgr (Audrey)Operations Mgr (Katie)Executive Director (Marcin)
· Can earth pits be used for depressed or underground parking? We need the ability for a semi-truck to pull in and (most likely) circle back out to dropoff/pick up parts or equipment for delivery; we also need a cement slab for unloading; Parking areas need to be free and open (i.e. clear of obstacles such as trees and equipment)Yes, but this seems like an insurance issue and I would be reluctant to park in an earth pit that was not insured.
MATERIAL SOURCINGDocumentation Mgr (Rob Kirk)Technical Community Mgr (Audrey)Operations Mgr (Katie)Executive Director (Marcin)
· is earth block material sourced on-site (Soil or geology)Yes
· is topsoil stockpiled for later useNo, no time and resources to do this
· characteristics of earth material that need addressing (expansion/contraction, strengthClay in Maysville
· depth of earth removal; resulting area of productive soil loss (about 100SF X 8F deep or 200 SF X 4F deep)
*I have a soil report I can provide - I remember seeing it in the office. Please let me know if this is needed.
WATER BALANCE ON SITEDocumentation Mgr (Rob Kirk)Technical Community Mgr (Audrey)Operations Mgr (Katie)Executive Director (Marcin)
· what is source of water being usedThe HabLab is connected to city water, but I believe there is a well onsite; the water quality was questionable (source: previous intern)
· what is the chemical load being placed on site by toolkit production, etc.Unknown and not an issue while hooked up to city water
· how will water be cleaned of chemicals as well as organic wastesUnknown and not an issue while hooked up to city water
SOIL BALANCE ON SITEDocumentation Mgr (Rob Kirk)Technical Community Mgr (Audrey)Operations Mgr (Katie)Executive Director (Marcin)
· from where on-site is soil removedNear the building site - 10 feet away
· what is future regenerative use for earth removal areasNo plan
· should future buildings be earth block (50+ years regeneration?) of plant fiber (annual regeneration)Sure
· how long will it take site to regenerate productive soil if the existing soil resource is minedUnknown
- what is the water table depth?If this is needed, I ask at city hall.
FOOD BALANCE AND FOOD PRODUCTION CENTERDocumentation Mgr (Rob Kirk)Technical Community Mgr (Audrey)Operations Mgr (Katie)Executive Director (Marcin)
· does the Center have soil surveys or other information on site soils (fertility, engineering characteristics, etc.)"the Center", OSE? I have some - I will try to find it (out of the office at this time)
· how to remove material from the site for earth blocks without reducing food production capacity of siteThe space where soil was excavated for the microhouse does not appear to be such an impact - my guess
· will he consider using earth pits to create chinampas (integrated agriculture & aquaculture)
BIO CAPACITY OF THE SITEDocumentation Mgr (Rob Kirk)Technical Community Mgr (Audrey)Operations Mgr (Katie)Executive Director (Marcin)
· changes to the bio-capacity, wildlife habitat value, etc., if materials be mined and harvested from what areas of the siteUnknown - deer bugs and snakes
NARRATIVE OF THE PLACEDocumentation Mgr (Rob Kirk)Technical Community Mgr (Audrey)Operations Mgr (Katie)Executive Director (Marcin)
· what is the narrative that visitors to the site should experienceCleanliness and comfort, which LEARNING. Constant internet connectivity is key to this. Producing food would be a fun plus.
· how does this narrative support Center missionLearning is our main goal - and ensuring the lessons are captured and posted.