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OBI Build Assessment Form
If you're interested in contracting the Open Building Institute to organize a build for you, please use this form to provide your contact information and more details about your location and needs. Your contact and any information you provide will not be shared with anyone outside the OBI team.

Please note that, although we've built a number of prototypes, we're in the early days of phase II: to make this accessible to everyone else.

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Open Building Institute
OBI will begin offering builds to clients in late 2017.  The current business model* for this is offering is as follows:

- OBI organizes and runs a rapid-build workshop (5 days) during which participants build a structure for client. OBI handles publicity and registration, and provides participants with an immersion education workshop that includes presentations, discussions, and hands-on skills training. The client ends up with a finished house, including plumbing and electrical, by the end of the 5-days build-workshop.

- The client provides the land, build materials, supplies, tools and machine rentals (if necessary). It's estimated that the materials cost is $25k for a ~750 square foot eco-home - or $15k for a 256 square foot core (see Starter Home infographic at the OBI Kickstarter - - with $5k in materials for every 256 square foot addition. The actual cost may be higher or lower depending on the selection of materials and features, as well as location constraints (type of soil, local regulations, etc.).

- The client is also responsible for obtaining and paying for any permits and fees required by local authorities. OBI will provide as much technical documentation as possible to make this process easier and less costly.

- For the service of organizing the build-workshop, the client pays OBI a fee of $10,000. OBI also keeps workshop registration fees, and provides lunch and dinner to participants.

- There must be space on site for 36+ people to work on sawhorses to assemble 18+ modules in parallel.
- The build location must also be able to accommodate dining and educational presentation activities.
- The build process begins with a foundation laid out by the client according to OBI specifications prior to the beginning of the build-workshop (unless agreed upon otherwise) - so that the build can begin on the first day of the large team arriving.

*More details will be provided as we test and perfect this business model. Please note that filling out this form does not represent a commitment from either you or us. It's just a way for us to learn about your interest and needs.
What is your name? *
What is your email? *
What is your phone number?
What is the street address, city, state, and zip code of the build location? *
We will use this information only to find out more about applicable building regulations in your location.
Is the location within city or town limits? *
What is the regulatory climate of the build site?
This is  so we get a feel for the regulatory hurdles that need to be addressed for the build location of interest.
Clear selection
Do you already own the land where you want to build? *
How do you plan to finance the materials for the house (and land acquisition, if needed)? *
Please add any details regarding financing that you find relevant
Which and how many structure(s) would you like to build? *
Specify Seed Home, Aquaponic Greenhouse, or both, and the size (up to 750 square feet each).
Please tell us more: What kind of house you're looking for, how many rooms you need, any special needs, etc. *
When do you want/need to build? *
Is there any other information you'd like to share?
Do you understand that as one of our first remote clients, you would be participating as an early adopter and developer of the OBI building system? Please comment regarding any concerns that you may have regarding the success of the build so we can address potential issues up front.
We have built many structures at our home site, and we know that our building system works for us. We concluded that there are many people like us who need a low cost, expandable, modular, rapid-built, eco-home - and that such an option is pretty much impossible to find. We are also a startup and are in the process of developing a widely replicable product (If we were well established, we would not need to raise funds on Kickstarter). Thus, as an initial client, you should understand that you are participating during the pilot phase of the project, and as such you are expected to be a collaborator in an innovative development process.
Do you have any other questions, or can you suggest any other questions that we should be asking but haven't asked yet?
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