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Replicator's Survey
This survey aims to capture information about replications of the Global Village Construction Set machines worldwide. There are currenly 28 known replications of GVCS machines as of March 26, 2015.
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What machine did you replicate? *
What is your location so  we can put you on the map? *
State your city, state, zip code and country - or an easy to recognize location such as Boston, Massachussetts.
What is your name?
What is your contact information?
We  would like to follow up with you to learn about your experience, needs, and difficulties of replication.
What difficulties did you have in the replication?
We would like to learn from you to improve the design.
What did it cost you to do the build?
What was your materials cost?
What was your labor cost?
How long did it take you to built it?
State the hours or days of build time.
Are you using and testing the machine?
Please share what your are doing with the machine, what purpose you are using it for.
Did the machine work?
Are you satisfied with the build?
Tell us more about your experience.
How could the machine build be simplified?
We are interested in a machine that is the simplest to build and maintain.
Did you follow Open Source Ecology's blueprints exactly, or did you make changes?
If you made changes, please tell us what changes you made.
Were you able to find all the parts and materials in your location?
Tell us which parts were difficult to find.
How could the machine be improved?
Did you build the machine for yourself, for someone else, or to start a business?
We encourage enterprise startup worldwide.
What assitance would you like to receive from OSE in helping you build or produce machines?
Do you have any build pictures, performance data, or other documentation that you can share?
Send us pictures or documents to info at, or paste a link here.
What do you recommend that OSE does to make the machine more widely replicated?
Do you have any other questions, comments, or suggestions?
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