Joel 2 Lifestyle Discipleship (Group)
For those who would like to commit to being discipled in the Joel 2 Lifestyle, we invite you to sign up below as a group / church.

We are committed to your growth in the Joel 2 lifestyle. If you sign up, we will be sending you weekly emails (from October) intended to help you grow deeper in this.

In addition, we are proposing regular discipleship gatherings (likely once in two months for about two hours) to spur and encourage one another as we seek to live out what God requires from His Church.

We encourage you to respond to what God is saying even in this time!

Feel free to invite anyone who is keen to be a part of this discipleship programme to sign up too!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Particulars of Point Person
To facilitate our correspondence with your group, we would require the contact details of a point person whom we can contact in the event of important announcements.
Surname (Point Person) *
Given Name (Point Person) *
Email *
Please provide a valid email address as we will be contacting you should there be anything important that we would like to contact your group about.
Church *
Contact Number *
Age Group *
No. of people in group (including point person) *
Time and Day Preference *
Please indicate your group's preferred day and time for the regular discipleship gatherings (once every 2 months for 2 hours each time). You can choose more than one. If both options do not work for you and your group, please let us know in the comments section.
Names and Emails of Group Members (excluding point person) *
Please list the names and emails of the participants in your group to send them weekly emails and information about discipleship gatherings. For example: 1) John Tan -, 2) Mary Lim - etc.
Other comments
Please let us know if you have any further comments or questions.
How did you find out about this Joel 2 Lifestyle Discipleship? *
Select all that apply.
Personal Data Collection
In line with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) which came into effect on 2 July 2014, we will use your personal data solely for purposes related to this Joel 2 Lifestyle Discipleship Program.
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