Daniel M. Holland Medal Nomination Form
The National Tax Association welcomes nominations from NTA members for the Daniel M. Holland Medal.

The Daniel M. Holland Medal was created in 1993 in memory of Dan Holland, a Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management, and an internationally recognized researcher, teacher, and practitioner in public finance. He wrote several books and numerous articles on a wide range of topics in taxation, including issues related to business taxes, property and land taxes, dividend taxation, pension funds, tax evasion, and the integration of business and personal income taxes, and served as a consultant to the U.S. Department of the Treasury, foreign governments, and private companies. Dan was a leading figure in the National Tax Association for many years, serving as president in 1988–1989 and as editor of the National Tax Journal for 25 years from 1966–1991.

The Holland Medal is the most prestigious award given by the NTA, as it recognizes lifetime achievement in the study of the theory and practice of public finance. A committee of NTA members constituted by the Board of Directors makes a formal nomination for the award recipient each year for approval by the Board, and the medal is awarded at the Annual Conference on Taxation.

Members of the NTA are encouraged to nominate individuals fitting the description above for consideration by the committee using the form below. Proposals should be received by  28th in order to be considered in a timely manner.

A list of prior winners can be found here:

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Please provide a brief statement of support for your nominee *
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