Coaching Request Form
Would you like help integrating technology into your classroom or area of specialization?
  • Looking for a refresher or support with specific digital tools?
  • Planning a special project and aren't sure which resources to use?
  • Need a partner to brainstorm ideas and strategies with?
  • Want someone to co-teach or model new tools with your students?
  • Wish you had an extra pair of eyes or hands during a tech-infused lesson?
  • Want to use tech integration as your evaluation PGG?
All are welcome! Coaching is open to all NKSD employees and can be adapted for your particular role.

Coaching can be:
Short-term (1-3 sessions, focused on a particular topic/tool)
Longer-term (several class and/or planning sessions over a few weeks, focused on broader goals)
Monthly 1:1 Check-ins (flexible schedule, you choose the topics)
Customized for whatever works best for you!

Please complete this form to sign up to work with Technology Coach, Kim Ramos. 

Email *
School *
If you work in several schools, please choose where you would like the coaching to take place.
Grade(s) *
Content Area *
If you teach multiple content areas, please list which area you would like to focus on first.
What is your role? *
What type of coaching are you looking for? *
What would you like to accomplish? *
When would you prefer to meet? *
Choose all that apply.
What is the best way to contact you? *
Phone Number
(Only necessary if this is your preferred method of contact.)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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