On Landscape #1 Book Call
Call for self-published or short run book/publication entries to be included in
'On Landscape #1' at Yinka Shonibare's Guest Projects in London, 7th-30th March 2014.

Open to all and free to enter, the only criterion is that each book relates to the theme of the 'On Landscape #1' project seeking to instigate discussions, raise questions and incite debate on representations of landscape.

Deadline for submissions: 3rd February 2014 - Deadline extended to 10th February!

If you would like to submit an entry please fill out the form below and post your submission to:
(please post in time for us to receive your submission by 10th Feb)

On Landscape Project Book Submission
FAO Minna Kantonen
School of Arts and Digital Industries
University of East London
Docklands Campus
London E16 2RD

For enquiries please contact onlandscapeproject@gmail.com

We look forward to receiving your submissions!
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Name of Book/Publication: *
Short Description of Book/Publication: *
Artist Name/s: *
Edition/Print Run *
Artist Website:
Contact Details: *
Contact Details:
(optional) Phone:
Please indicate here if you wish to donate your submission to the On Landscape Project library for future shows *
Information: *
A selection panel including Miranda Gavin and Bruno Ceschel will review all submissions. Successful candidates will be notified by the end of February at the latest. If you would like your submission returned, please provide a SAE with the book or collect in person from Guest Projects on Sunday 30th March between 6-8 pm. Please note that whilst all care will be taken of your submission, On Landscape Project cannot take any responsibility for any possible loss or damage.
Please indicate here if you are happy for your On Landscape Project submission to be featured on our website (max one page spread and cover) *
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