Twin Falls High School
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I am sharing input about my experience with Joe Woodland
Please indicate which of the following types of communication and involvement have occurred during this school year between you and this staff member.
Please rate teacher for each statement below:
Excellent 4
Good 3
Fair 2
Poor 1
Not Observed
The teacher is accessible and willing to listen.
The teacher contacts me promptly with concerns.
Expectations of my child are communicated and are clear and appropriate.
The teacher explains the meaning of grades and how they were achieved.
The teacher communicates in a fair and respectful manner.
The teacher gives feedback on assignments and tests on a regular basis.
The teacher regularly updates grades in PowerSchool.
The teacher makes suggestions about ways to help my child at home.
I feel welcomed by the teacher when I visit the classroom/school.
The teacher is responsive to information I provide about my child.
The teacher assigns homework that is clear and meaningful to my child.
The teacher encourages my child to work hard to succeed.
The teacher shares my high expectations for my child’s learning and behavior.
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Please Check One:
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What are the major strengths of this teacher?
In which areas could improvement take place?
I am in favor of the cellphone policy at TFHS and have seen improvement in my student's engagement levels. 
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