Digital Humanities at Michigan State University - People
There are many people from across the campus of MSU who are involved in Digital Humanities work - or something similar but differently termed - but awareness of the human resources we have locally is not always high. Through this form and the People section of the website, we hope to facilitate connections and to promote the work going on at MSU in this developing field.
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First Name *
Surname *
Type *
Title *
ex: Assistant Professor of History, or Digital Humanities Librarian, etc
Email *
Primary address
Your campus address
Phone Number
Your campus phone number
If you would like a profile picture to be displayed of you, please email a 250x250 image with "Website Profile Photo" in the subject line and your full name in the body of the email.
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Twitter Handle
Structure entries as the url for your handle (ex:
Structure entries as the url for your handle (ex:
Structure entries as the url for your profile (
What unit(s) are you affiliated with on campus? [this list is still being added to, so please list any units not yet listed in "other", separated by commas]
These are topics of interest or areas of study with which you identify. Note: This list uses terminology from the Taxonomy of Digital Research Activities in the Humanities (TaDiRAH). Find out more about this taxonomy at [this list is still being added to, so please list any topics not yet listed in "other", separated by commas]
Description, or biography.
You may add information about yourself, including text, links, images, etc - similar to the content you could include in a blog post. If you are interested in providing text information about yourself, include it below. Feel free to add links into the text, and we will make sure they display properly in your bio. If there is more information that you would like included (e.g. images), please email with "Website Profile Bio" in the subject line and your full name in the body of the email. If you have questions, email
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