Moore County Dept. Of Education (Tennessee) Support Staff Application
Apply to work for The Moore County Department of Education in a non-teaching role.

The Moore County School System does not discriminate in its educational programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, sex, national origin, religion, creed, age, marital status, or disability as required by the Title VI of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
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Position Applied For- *
Select all applicable Roles
Name *
Please type your full legal name.
Daytime Phone *
Please provide your daytime phone number.
Email Address
If Applicable
Mailing Address *
Please provide your mailing address.
Type of Work *
Availability *
When will you be able to begin work?
Skill Set *
List any skills that you have which will make you a good candidate for this position.
Education *
What was the name of the last school you attended?
Diplomas/Certificates *
Please list the schools and types of diplomas/certificates you may have earned. (High School Diploma, GED, Degrees, or other certifications.)
Work Experience *
Please list all places of employment for the past 5 years.  Also, list your direct supervisor with contact information for each place of employment.
Personal References *
Please list the name and contact information for at least 3 personal references.
Performance Ability *
Can you perform the duties for this position?
Convictions/Guilty Pleas *
Have you ever been convicted of, or plead "no contest" to a crime?
Elected Officials Relatives *
Please list all Moore County Elected Officials to which you are related directly or through marriage.  Please type "None" if this does not apply to you.
Factual Information Confirmation *
Please read the statement below and place a select it to certify that this application has been completely truthfully.
False Information Acknowledgement *
Please read the statement below and confirm that you understand.
Background Check Cost *
Please read the statement below and confirm that you understand.
Signature *
By typing my name here I am "signing" this application.
Please send a copy of this application to the Director of Schools, Chad Moorehead *
Please place a checkmark in the box next to the Director's email address.
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