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Teacher Alert Form
Help us help your students!

Use this form to let us know about upcoming Winchester school assignments. Advance notice will help us provide students with as many library resources as possible. Alternatively, you can send an email to to let us know about the details of your assignment.
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Email *
Library Card # (if you would like us to place holds)
Name: *
I am a: *
My school: *
Title of Assignment: *
Description of assignment with details about the result expected: *
Assignment is due on:
Grade level:
Expected no. of students:
Below please check all the sources required: *
Additional requirements or restrictions, such as: "students can use specific encyclopedias related to their topic" or "only 3 internet sources may be used and there must be 2 newspaper articles."
Please select the most convenient way for us to reach you if we have a question.
Daytime phone number:
Evening phone number:
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