If you would like to receive some free promotional goodies such as bookmarks, pens, postcards, etc., that you can use to spread the word about Mindy’s books, simply complete this form. By submitting this form you agree to join, or are already on, Mindy's mailing list (but don't worry, she only emails very occasionally.) PLEASE NOTE: We cannot guarantee that you will be sent exact quantities nor specific items, nor that the items will be received by the date of your event, but we will certainly give it our best effort! Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.
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If this request is for a specific event, what is the date of the event?
If this request is for a specific event, what kind of event is it?
If this request is not for a specific event, please indicate how you intend to use these items instead (any answer is fine!):
What is your desired number of items and/or for how many people are you wanting items? *
If you are requesting items related to a specific book(s) that Mindy has written, please list those books here. (If left blank, we will choose a variety of promo items for you.)
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