Application Form - Last Call - Unpack the Arts
The Last Call of Unpack the Arts opens applications for professional journalists wishing to attend a residency at one of these three festivals:

CIRCa Festival, 24 > 27 October 2013 (Auch, France)
London International Mime Festival, 9 > 11 January 2014 (London, UK)
Subcase, 12 > 15 February 2014 (Stockholm, Sweden)

This online application form is only 1 of 2 documents that must be submitted to complete your application. To be eligible for selection please also send your CV (using the English Europass format) to

Deadline: 23 August 2013. On 6 September 2013 the results of the selection will be communicated.

Thank you for your cooperation,
The Unpack the Arts team
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First name *
Last name *
Full address (street + number + zip code + city + country) *
Nationality *
Age *
Gender *
E-mail *
Mobile no.
Website/blog/online presence
What is your level of conversational English? *
Are you currently a professional cultural journalist? *
Professional: receiving an income out of your journalistic work. Cultural: writing/reviewing/reporting on cultural issues like dance, theatre, music, circus arts, comedy, ....
How many years professional experience do you have as cultural journalist? *
What sort of media do you work for? *
You can tick more than one box.
What is your 1st choice residency for Unpack the Arts? *
What is your 2nd choice residency for Unpack the Arts? *
What is your motivation for being part of Unpack the Arts? *
Consider this answer as your motivation letter >> important information for the Unpack-partners to make the selection!
Please don't forget to send your CV (using the English Europass format) to *
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