2013 Application
Thank you for your interest in Roots of Success -- a nationally recognized empowering environmental literacy and job readiness curriculum that was designed to support programs that serve youth and adults with barriers to employment.

Roots of Success helps job training and re-entry programs prepare youth and adults with significant barriers to employment for careers in the green economy. The curriculum increases understanding environmental problems and solutions, strengthens core academic skills, inspires behavioral change, and prepares people for jobs and career pathways in multiple sectors of the economy.

Roots of Success is composed of 10 modules: (1) Fundamentals of Environmental Literacy, (2) Water, (3) Waste, (4) Transportation, (5) Energy, (6) Building, (7) Health, Food, and Agriculture, (8) Civic Engagement and Leadership, (9) Application and Practice, (10) Financial Literacy and Social Entrepreneurship. The curriculum is easy to implement, flexible, and adaptable. No prior teaching experience is necessary to teach the curriculum. After teaching the Fundamentals module, programs can offer as many or as few additional modules as they choose. To teach Roots of Success, instructors go through a one-day Train-the-Instructor training where they learn how to use the curriculum, receive the teaching materials, and become certified to teach. Instructors decide which modules should be taught to best meet their programmatic goals.

Our teaching approach focuses on student success, makes learning relevant, builds on prior experiences, and connects education to employment. Instructors are trained to use innovative, non-traditional teaching methods that integrate classroom discussions with videos, visuals, group activities, oral presentations, and professional development exercises to keep participants engaged and increase their understanding of environmental problems, solutions, and green jobs while strengthening basic academic and professional skills. No other curriculum provides all of this in one, accessible, easy to deliver curriculum. To learn more about Roots of Success go to www.rootsofsuccess.org.

With support from the Kendeda Fund, 30 job training and re-entry programs across the country will be selected to have two staff members trained and certified to teach Roots of Success, and receive teaching materials for up to 60 students, free of charge. Programs that are not selected (to receive instructor trainings and teaching materials free of charge) will have the option to receive training and teaching materials at a substantial discount.

All applications must be submitted by Friday, November 15, 2013. Selections will be announced and programs contacted by Monday, December 16, 2013.

· Job training programs that serve individuals with barriers to employment, ages 18 and older (programs with an existing green career pathways component are strongly encouraged to apply).
· Non-profit organizations (tax-exempt under Section 501(c)3 of the IRS Code) or fiscally sponsored by a 501(c)3.
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Organizational Information
Please answer the following questions about the organization applying for this RFP.
Name: *
Mailing Address: *
Street, City, State, ZIP
Annual Operating Budget: *
How did you hear about this application? *
Program/Project Information (if applicable)
Please answer the following questions if your organization will be using Roots of Success within a specific program or project, otherwise continue to the Tax ID section of the application.
Program/Project Name:
Program/Project Annual Budget:
Tax ID and Fiscal Sponsorship Information
Please enter the Federal Tax ID Number used by your organization in the space below. If your project is fiscally sponsored, and uses the Tax ID of their sponsoring organization, please provide their name in the space provided.
Federal Tax ID Number: *
Name of Sponsoring Organization (if applicable):
Contact Person
Please provide the name and contact information for the person we should contact to follow-up on this application.
Name: *
Email: *
Phone Number: *
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