OpenWorm Release 3 Accomplishments
May 2012 - November 2012
Community building
External write-ups / mentions
EPIC-1: As a user, I want to be able to mark synapses and have them integrated into the model
- Set up CATMAID server on Amazon EC2 (Gleb Kuznetsov)
- Loaded c. elegans EM data set (Gleb Kuznetsov, Steven Cook)
- Created user accounts (Stephen Larson)
- Created initial orientation tutorial (Steven Cook)
- Parsed existing synapse position data structure (Tim Busbice)
- Wrote Python scaffold to export from synapse position database (Sergey Khayrulin)
EPIC-2: As a developer, I want to launch the simulation engine on Amazon AWS
- Accomplished on an AWS instance (Can be activated on request) (Stephen Larson, Matteo Cantarelli)
- Created a script to pull together the simulation engine into a single package (Stephen Larson)
EPIC-3: As a user, I want to be able to see the body of the worm moving and changing color, driven by activity of the simulation engine (Simplified Worm)
- EPIC-7 was the prerequisite for this and just got accomplished
- NeuroML visualizer being produced for Open Source Brain will be a big help (Matteo Cantarelli)
EPIC-4: As a user, I want to be able to run a simulation that includes muscle cell physics as well as muscle cell membrane excitability
EPIC-5: As a scientist, I want a detailed written summary of the physiology we intend to include in the model
EPIC-6: As a user, I want to see the optimized data matching the experimental results
EPIC-7: As a user, I want to see a WebGL visualization of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Other accomplishments:
- Data collection and exploration of peptides, metabolites, genes (Tim Busbice)
- Further refinement of the c. elegans NeuroML connectome (Padraig Gleeson, Tim Busbice)
- Moved code to GitHub repository (Matteo Cantarelli, Giovanni Idili, Alex Dibert, Sergey Khayrulin)
- Website updates (Giovanni Idili)