Intercultural Ambassador Program Teacher Application
K-12 teachers in San Diego County are encouraged to apply to the CGEP@SDSU (formerly ISTEP) Intercultural Ambassador Program for the 2019-20 school year. Interested teachers agree to:
1. Attend an informational meeting on 1/30/20 (4:30 - 6:30 p.m.) at SDSU;
2. Attend a meeting with your ambassador on 2/6/20 (4:30 - 6:30 p.m.) at SDSU;
3. Host and support an Intercultural Ambassador in your classroom for 3-4 visits between 2/17/20 and 4/17/20 to engage in cross-cultural learning;
4. Complete a program evaluation and share your experiences at a celebration on 4/30/20 at SDSU (4:30 - 6:00 p.m.).

We encourage school teams to apply, but each teacher requesting an ambassador must apply separately.
Application deadline is December 14, 2019. Teachers will be notified of acceptance to the program by January 15, 2020.
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Teacher's Name
Grade Level(s)/Subject Area(s) for 2019-20 school year
School & District Names
School Address & Classroom Location
Teacher's e-mail address
Teacher's phone number
Have you participated in the Intercultural Ambassador Program in the past? If so, during which years?
What time does the instructional day begin at your school?
What time does the instructional day end at your school?
Which day, if any, is a minimum day? What are the times that class begins and ends on those days?
If you are a middle/high school teacher, what are the start/end times of the periods during which you would like to host an ambassador? (You may select one or two periods to have an ambassador. If funding permits, we can extend beyond two periods upon request. Please make that request here.)
Are there specific times/days of the week that would NOT work for you to have an ambassador visit (e.g., prep time, pull-out services, dedicated programs, etc.)? If so, please state those here.
Are there preferred times/days that WOULD work for you to have an ambassador visit? If so, please state those here. (This will help in assigning an ambassador so as not to interfere with his/her school schedule.)
The focus of this program is on building genuine relationships between the international visitor and the students and teachers with whom they come in contact. To achieve this, a. Student ambassadors who are new to the program will make a “pre-visit” to at least one of the classrooms to which they have been assigned for the purpose of observing an American school and classroom setting. b. Ambassadors meet with only one class group at a time. c. Participating teachers must be present at all times during the ambassador’s visits.  Ambassadors will not make visits on days when a substitute is present. d. Each visit to a primary classroom should be no more than 40 minutes; upper grade and secondary classrooms should be not more than 1 hour in length. Do you agree to these terms?
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In order to participate in the Intercultural Ambassador Program, teachers new to the program must attend both the New Teacher Orientation Meeting (1/30/20, 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. at SDSU) and the Joint Planning Workshop (2/6/20, 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. at SDSU). Returning teachers must attend the Joint Planning Workshop. Do you agree to this term?
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Participating teachers will contact their ambassador before the first classroom visit and then after each classroom visit for additional planning, fine tuning, and debriefing. These contacts may be made in person, by e-mail, or by telephone. Do you agree to this term?
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Participating teachers will fill out an evaluation of the ambassador’s visits and return it to CGEP@SDSU, ideally within two weeks of the ambassador's last visit, but no later than May 1, 2020. Do you agree to this term?
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Participating teachers are expected to inform their site administrators about this program, the assigned ambassador, and classroom activities. Do you agree to this term?
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Do you have any questions that we can answer at this time?
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