Mahtomedi Area Educational Foundation Prospective Committee and Trustee Member  Information Sheet
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Name *
Home Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Home Phone
Cell Phone *
Email Address *
Work Company Name
if applicable
Mahtomedi Schools attended by your children, and grades:
if applicable
Please summarize your past experience with, and/or reason for interest, in MAEF. *
What skills and knowledge are you willing to bring to MAEF? Please indicate your experience in the following areas.
Very Experienced
Some Experience
Little or no Experience
Strategic Planning
Board Development (recruitment, training, evaluation)
Program planning and evaluation
Recruiting, hiring and evaluating personnel
Financial management and control (budgeting, accounting)
Communication, public and media relations
Public speaking
Organizational development
Information technology
Writing, journalism
Special events (planning and implementing)
Clear selection
For the items you checked as "very experienced" or "some experience", please provide further details.
If not described above, please outline your prior experience as a volunteer board or committee member.  Please include organization name, dates of service and roles or offices held.
Which of the experiences described above was the most meaningful to you and why?
Additional comments
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