Profile: Staff Information
This form is intended for Hope College staff. If you are a faculty member, please fill out the faculty form at

Please use the space provided to write a short bio for the new website. You can see an example online at

Much of your info (e.g., name, title, photo, contact information) will automatically populate using data from Banner. Here, we're working on the main copy for the page—something that will provide a little more information about you as a person and as a professional at Hope College. We’ll likely edit all submissions for consistency and style.

Questions or concerns? Contact:

Josh Bishop
Web Content Manager
Public Affairs & Marketing
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Email *
Tell us when you started at Hope, your roles or responsibilities at Hope and any additional relevant experience.
Include such information as degree, degree program, date and granting institution.
Professional experience
Other current or former work experience relevant to your position at Hope.
Awards and recognition
Have you won awards, presented at conferences or been recognized in your field? Tell us about it!
Why do you love Hope?
No more than 400 words, please.
Outside the college
Tell us a little bit about what you do outside of work. If you'd rather not share, leave this section blank.
Anything else?
No more than 400 words, please.
If you'd like to include links to personal media accounts, please type your user name for each account, or paste the URLs below.
Compatible platforms include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, personal blog, personal website and more!
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