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Node.js Certification design workshop: Item Writing
This application is for participation as a contributor to the Node.js Foundation Certification development Item Writing workshop sessions that will be online and globally distributed. If you cannot attend these sessions, do not fret! We will have other opportunities to contribute to development of the Certification exam.

You will be contacted if you have been selected for this phase of development. Thanks for your consideration!
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There will be 30 item writers--one per question. A smaller subset of these folks will comprise the Item Writing Review Team(IWRT). This group, ~12 people, will be responsible for reviewing items written, hone unsatisfactory items, and have consensus/leveling meetings with the other members of the IWRT to finalize the question set. We're aiming for item writers to not be able to view questions in progress outside of the domain to which they are working on, so that they can remain eligible to be certified if they wish to do so. The IWRT will more likely be exposed to enough questions that this will be difficult to allow. Please keep this in mind when offering to take on one of these volunteering roles.

Time commitment:
- 1.5 hour intro webinar to learn the format and how to write the question(s)--item writers & IWRT
- 2 to 5 hours​ independently writing and reviewing the question with Item Writing Review Team members--items writers & IWRT
- 5 to 6 1-hour online meetings to reach consensus, group review, and level items--IWRT only
Which role would you like to tackle? *
Do you acknowledge you have read that lengthy statement I provided above and that you understand the time commitment for the role you have selected?
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A range of experience levels in writing Node.js as well as creating curriculum will be vital to capturing the perspectives needed in this Certification scope.
How many years have you been programming professionally? *
How many years have you been developing Node.js professionally? *
Please share any other relevant programming experience in open source or for no compensation here(JTA Committee members do not need to answer this question).
If you've developed curriculum or exams in the past(programming or otherwise), please share a little about your experience here. Indicate N/A if you have no experience in this(JTA Committee members do not need to answer this question). *
Please let me know here anything you'd like to share about participating in the workshop and development of the items the certification will cover.
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