Friends of Chamber Music
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Have you attended a Friends of Chamber Music performance in the past?
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Have you ever attended a concert with a complimentary ticket?
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Have you ever attended a FCM performance with a paid ticket?
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4. How far in advance of the performance do you typically purchase your ticket(s)?
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How many people are in your group?
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In thinking about why you attend, what is the most important factor in deciding to go to a FCM concert?
How familiar are you with FCM programming?
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What periods of music do you enjoy?
How would you describe your level of classical music knowledge?
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People go to concerts for many reasons. From the list that follows, please choose the three most important reasons why you attend classical music concerts.
Please select up to three responses in no particular order
Which other cultural events do you attend?
 How do you typically purchase your tickets?
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How can FCM improve its programme offerings or marketing efforts to entice you to attend FCM concerts more regularly?
What is the best way FCM can improve its customer service?
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Thinking about your most recent FCM ticket purchase, what prompted your final decision to make the purchase?
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Where do you go to find out about upcoming arts and culture events?
Select all that apply
Do you earn a portion of your income from performing or creating art?
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What is the highest level of education you have completed?
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What is your gender?
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What is your age group?
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What is your marital status?
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What is your employment status?
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What is your annual household Income?
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Please indicate the first three letters of your postal code:
Please leave your name and email address to be entered into the draw for 5 Open Tickets
I would like to be added to the email list
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