1. Answer questions 1-4 according to the information given in the text. USE YOUR OWN WORDS. DO NOT COPY FROM THE TEXT.
2. Are these statetements TRUE or FALSE? Justify your answer based on information from the text, rewriting the original sentences in your own way, or at least, quoting properly.
3. Find the words or expressions in the text that mean ...
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1.1 What is the basic idea behind reality shows?
1.2 What different types of reality shows does the author mention? Describe, ast least, two of them.
1.3 Why do people like watching reality shows on TV?
1.4 What will most surely happen to reality shows in the future?
2.1 Nowadays you have to be good at something to appear on TV.
2.2 Young people are starting to show a more critical attitude towards reality shows.
3.1 feelings experienced in response to a situation
3.2 humiliating, causing a loss of self-respect
3.3 to decrease in number
3.4 lost effectiveness or intensity
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