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Student Technology Guidelines & Internet Safety Assessment
Internet Safety & Policies 2017-18
Email *
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Email Address *
Grade level during 17/18 school year *
By clicking "Yes" I acknowledge that in addition to this training, I have reviewed the Parent & Student Handbook (found on KS Connect), and I fully understand, support, and agree to comply with the guidelines, policies, and safety precautions in relation to technology use at Kamehameha Schools Maui. *
Student Agreement Statements
Check each box below to demonstrate your agreement to abide by the rules regarding the laptop your are assigned.
I understand that this laptop is being provided to me by Kamehameha Schools as an instructional tool. Accordingly, I understand that my laptop should be used for instructional purposes. *
I understand that I must carry my laptop in the laptop bag that has been provided to me by Kamehameha Schools. *
I understand that there will be no stickers, ink, or any decorative items added to my laptop. *
I understand that the KS identification tag and any labels with my name on them, should not be tampered with or removed. *
If my computer is not working properly, I will take it to the Print and Repair Center (PRC) for repair.  I understand that I may be without a laptop computer while it is being repaired. However, I also understand that there are computers in the Keanolani Learning Center available for student use before and after school. *
I understand that if any damage occurs to the laptop from abuse, neglect, loss, or theft, my family may be held financially responsible for damages or replacement as determined by the Vice Principal. *
I understand that if my computer is damaged or lost, I may also be required to perform school service and/or make partial or full payment towards its repair or replacement as determined by the Vice Principal. *
I am responsible for knowing where my laptop is at all times. Laptops left unattended will be taken to the Middle School office for appropriate consequences. *
I understand that my family is financially responsible for items lost or stolen due to negligence, including laptops and accessories on or off school grounds, on weekdays, weekends, and vacations. *
I will not use my computer to download or play games. *
I will not use my computer to make unauthorized copies of software MP3 files and will abide by all copyright laws. *
I understand that the installation of non-KS standard software is strictly prohibited. Installing non-KS software will result in loss or restricted laptop use. *
I understand that if my laptop is taken away by a staff member or is inoperable that this does not excuse me from completing any assignments or projects. *
I understand that KS Maui will conduct random periodic checks of any device. I am expected to hand over the device upon request by school personnel. *
I am required to fully charge my laptop before coming to school and leave the laptop charger at home. *
I am committed to the moral and ethical use of technology and being a positive digital citizen. *
I understand and agree that for any violation of the above rules, I will be subject to disciplinary action as set forth in the Student and Parent Handbook. *
By completing the field below, I am agreeing to the terms and conditions found in the statements above with an electronic signature.  Type your legal name in the field below if you agree. *
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