Dorothea Lange - Capturing the Soul of The Great Depression
DIRECTIONS:  Learn about the life of Dorothea Lange by reading her biography found at  After reading her life story, answer the questions found below.
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What is your first and last name? *
Which block are you in? *
According to Lange, what was the camera an extension of? *
What two painful events affected Lange in her early childhood? *
List at least four of the topics Lange took pictures of. *
Read the quotes found highlighted in the boxes throughout the website.  Which quote stands out to you?  Why? *
Dorothea Lang's Photographs
DIRECTIONS:  Explore Dorothea Lange's photographs by going to:

Choose THREE of her photographs that you found the most interesting.  Explain why you choose these image.
Describe your first choice.  Explain why you picked this photo.
Describe your second choice.  Explain why you picked this photo.
Describe your third choice.  Explain why you picked this photo.
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