Kenyon's Survey Coordination Form
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Requester's name *
Requester's email address *
Requester's phone number *
Requester's area, division, or department *
The first six questions focus on the basics of your survey, like what it's about, how you plan to deploy it, and what type of results you're expecting.
1. What's the name or title of the survey? *
2. What is the main question (or set of questions) that you’re trying to answer with the survey? *
3. How do you plan to deploy your survey? *
4. What tools or software are you planning to use to create and deploy your survey? *
5. Are you interested in qualitative or quantitative results from your survey? *
6. What coding, statistical, or other software are planning to use for analysis of the results? *
The four questions below focus on your potential respondents. These questions help us ensure that any one individual isn't getting burdened by many survey requests.
7. What survey population will you be inviting to participate? *
8. Tell us a little more about your audience. How many people do you plan on surveying? Are you planning on surveying the entire population or sample? If you're surveying a sample, how will you go about selecting the sample? *
9. Will the survey collect results anonymously or confidentially? *
10. How do you plan to store the survey results to ensure respondents' privacy is maintained? *
11. Are you aware of your responsibilities to protect human subjects and apply to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for approval of research involving human subjects? *
The next three questions help us schedule your survey on the calendar and make sure no one else will be contacting your respondents on the same day.
12. Ideally, on what date would you like to open your survey for responses? *
13. Assuming your survey opened on your preferred start date, what is you preferred date for closing your survey? *
14. If you plan to send out reminders, what is your reminder schedule? *
15. Is there anything else that would be helpful for us to know about your survey?
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