Volunteers for Christchurch Food Festival Experi-TENT
Why does Corn Pop? How much chemistry is in your shopping basket? How safe is your food? How can you be sure where your food comes from? If you can help explain any of these questions we'd love to have you join us in our Experi-TENT at the Christchurch Food Festival on 11 and 12 May on the Quomps in Christchurch. Our Experi-TENT is supported by the Royal Society of Chemistry Outreach Fund.

As well as bringing some science to the festival, we will be having a dialogue about creating a permanent science discovery centre at the end of Christchurch High Street as part of a planned new development in order to engage public input and support.

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First Name
Second Name *
Mobile number
I understand that my contact details will be used to communicate with me about the Food Festival and will be stored online. *
Please keep me informed beyond the Food Festival with progess on the Science Centre *
Please tick the days you can volunteer for
Any particular time slots you prefer?
Your discipline / expertise
Would you like to do a Soap Box Science? (this is a short pitch around an area of science - maybe 5-7 minutes long)
Meet up, planning and training session on Saturday 13 April (10am to 2pm) in Christchurch Library. Lunch included. A time to agree our schedule and consider any health and safety issues
Are you a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry? (this is just for reporting purposes for our grant)
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Comments: any further comments about how you could help or how best to get in touch with you?
How did you hear about the ExperiTENT?
Food / access needs (we'll be providing some sandwiches and want to cover food intolerances and also would like to support people who need the lift at the library or an extra chair at the festival for example)  
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